Press & Talks


Date Event Talk Contents

Past Appearances

Date Event Talk Contents
12-Nov-2021 droidcon Italy Up to date? Talking about your App Development Android Kotlin Architecture Refactor
29-Oct-2021 droidcon London Tell Me Quando - Implementing Feature Flags Development Android Kotlin Refactor
21-Oct-2021 DroidKaigi Tell Me Quando - Implementing Feature Flags Development Android Kotlin Refactor
27-Nov-2020 droidcon Italy Unit Test Your Views Development Android Kotlin Unit Testing
7-Apr-2020 droidcon Italy webinar Adding Tests, Refactoring, & Evolving Android Code Development Android Kotlin Unit Testing Refactor
12-Nov-2019 Codemotion Berlin 2019 Beyond Unit Testing Development Android iOS Kotlin Swift Unit Testing
24-Oct-2019 Droidcon London 2019 Unit Test Your Views (Workshop) Development Android Kotlin Unit Testing
4-Oct-2019 droidcon Transylvania 2019 Advanced Architecture for Android Hands On (MVVM version) Development Android Kotlin Clean Architecture
27-Jun-2019 App Design & Development Conference Towards Good Coverage in Android Development Android Kotlin Unit Testing
15-May-2019 Dev Days Europe 2019 The 7 Stages of Unit Testing (Live-coding Kotlin Edition) Development Android Kotlin Unit Testing
2-Apr-2019 TestCon 2019 The 7 Stages of Unit Testing (Workshop Kotlin Edition) Development Android Kotlin Unit Testing
21-Mar-2019 iOSCon 2019 Mr. Wolf Horror Stories Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
18-Mar-2019 Fast Track iOS Architecture Training Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
15-Feb-2019 MobOS 2019 Unit Testing & TDD (Android Kotlin / Java & iOS) Development Android iOS Kotlin Swift Unit Testing TDD
25-Oct-2018 Droidcon London 2018 Workshop: Let's Migrate to Gradle Kotlin DSL
11-Jul-2018 Brooklyn iOS & Swift Developers 7 stages of Unit Testing Development iOS Swift Unit Testing Principles
4-Apr-2018 NSCoders Night Madrid Gilded Rose in Swift Slides Development iOS Swift Unit Testing Principles
22-Mar-2018 iOSCon 2018 Hands On implementation of Clean Architecture in iOS Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
16-Mar-2018 AppDevCon Control Your Voice like a Bene Gesserit Slides Development iOS Swift Android Kotlin Clean Architecture vui
15-Mar-2018 AppDevCon Continuous integration with Jenkins Development iOS Swift Android Kotlin Clean Architecture Unit Testing
18-Jan-2018 MobOS Clean Architecture in iOS and Android Workshop Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture Unit Testing
07-Nov-2017 Øredev 2017 Advanced Architecture for iOS & Android (Workshop) Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture Unit Testing
10-Nov-2017 Øredev 2017 Implementing Concurrency in an Advanced Architecture Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
26-Oct-2017 Droidcon London 2017 CYA: Cover Your App Slides Development Android Kotlin Clean Architecture Unit Testing
19-Oct-2017 iOS Conf SG 2017 Fly Me to the View Slides Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture Unit Testing
5-Oct-2017 Mobile Era Refactor Your Way Forward Slides Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture Unit Testing
13-Sep-2017 NSSpain 2017 Test the Heck Out of your Swift Code (Workshop) Development iOS Swift Unit Testing
4-Sep-2017 Droidcon Berlin 2017 Home Improvement: Architecture & Kotlin Slides Development Android Kotlin Clean Architecture Unit Testing
22-Jun-2017 Swift Paris 7 Stages of Unit Testing Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture Unit Testing
1-Jun-2017 Swift Aveiro Hands On implementation of Clean Architecture in iOS Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
6-Apr-2017 Droidcon Italy 2017 Architectural Superpowers Development Android Java Clean Architecture
30-Mar-2017 iOSCon 2017 Architecting Alive Apps Slides Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
16-Mar-2017 AppDevCon Test the Heck out of your Swift Code Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture Unit Testing
16-Feb-2017 MobOS Refactor Your Way Forward Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture Unit Testing
3-Dec-2016 Mobicode Hands on Implementation of Clean Architecture for Android Apps (Workshop) Development Android Java Clean Architecture
15-Nov-2016 Do iOS 2016 To Protect & To Serve Slides Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture Server Side
16-Sept-2016 NSSpain Dependence Day: Insurgence Slides Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
1-Sept-2016 try! Swift NYC Architectural Superpowers Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
8-Jul-2016 Cmd+U Conference TDD for the Masses Slides Development iOS Swift Unit Testing
11-Jun-2016 VsMobile ¿Por qué el lado oscuro debe usar una arquitectura SOLID?
26-May-2016 iOSCon 2016 Why the Dark Side should use Swift and a SOLID Architecture Slides Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
5-May-2016 Talentum Madrid Introducción al testing de aplicaciones iOS Development iOS Objective-C Unit Testing
3-May-2016 VIII Codemotion Meetup Escápate de Marte - Gracias a tu arquitectura Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
21-Apr-2016 MCE^3 Escape from Mars: Thank your Architecture Slides Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
10-Apr-2016 MobCon Escape from Mars: Thank your Architecture Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
17-Mar-2016 mdevcon Clean Architecture for iOS apps Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
16-Mar-2016 Weekly Wednesday Lunchtime Lectures Why the Dark Side should use Swift and a SOLID Architecture Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
27-Nov-2015 Codemotion Swift 2 for Advanced Architectures Slides Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
5-Oct-2015 GOTO Conference Copenhague Hands on Implementation of Clean Architecture for iOS Apps Slides Development iOS Swift Clean Architecture
18-Aug-2015 Realm Unit testing in swift 2 - The before & after story Development iOS Swift Unit Testing
20-May-2015 Appsterdam Weekly Wednesday Lunchtime Lectures Swift Testing FTW! Slides Development iOS Swift Unit Testing
20-May-2015 Cocoaheads NL Meetup Core Data in Modern Times Slides Development iOS Swift Core Data
23-Apr-2015 DroidCon 2015 The 7 Stages of Android Unit Testing Slides Development Android Unit testing TDD
22-Nov-2014 Codemotion 2014 Travel with your mock server Slides Development iOS Raspberry Pi Ruby Rails
21-Nov-2014 Codemotion 2014 10 tips for a reusable arquitechture Slides Development iOS Architecture
2-Sept-2014 Onda Cero: La Brújula de la Economía About the leaks of celebrity pictures through the Cloud (Spanish) Security iOS Cloud
30-Jun-2014 IronHack iOS mobile dev bootcamp Core Data & Unit Testing Development iOS TDD
2-Apr-2014 NSCoder Night Madrid UI Design Patterns Slides Development iOS Architecture
10-Jul-2013 NSCoder Night Madrid Kata TDD (Spanish) Slides Development TDD iOS
30-May-2013 Madrid Innova How much is worth an App? (Spanish) Slides Business Development iOS
14-Dec-2012 NSCoder Night Madrid Core Data + iCloud Slides Development iOS Core Data
14-Feb-2011 Onda Cero: Te doy mi palabra Anonymous Attack to Facebook Security